Two milestones in one day

crossfit paleo crossfitnI always dread it when I see the words “deadlift focus” on the board as I enter the gym. Bad back, inability to put on own underwear for week after the event… you get the picture.
Today we faced the following:

5 minute AMRAP of:
10 double unders (never strung 10 together in a row before)
5 press ups
5 sit ups

Deadlift focus
5x5x5x5x5 max effort

5 rounds for time of:
5 burpees
10 7kg wall balls
15 x 16kg kettlebell swings
20 skips

And the results are in!

WOD A :- managed a respectable 8 rounds, with fully legit double unders strung together *smiley face*

Deadlifts :- big effort with 6 rounds of 5 reps, for a PB of 85kg. Total output 1800kg. Very happy with this. Was struggling with a 90kg one rep max some months ago, and felt like there was more in the tank today! I reckon I weigh about 72/3kg so that’s about 118% of body weight.

WOD B :- reasonable 8 mins 31 for this. Burpees remain my nemesis. Just too damn slow.

Ended with a little kipping lesson (this year’s goal). Note to self… Must get more hard skin on hands. Ouch.