Curbing Carbs

paleoThis was so NOT what I thought it was going to be.

Once you’ve resisted the temptation to chomp your way through an entire baguette for a couple of days, two of the most incredible things happen:-

1. The hunger pangs totally disappear, as do the cravings

2. You feel shit

On the chomping baguettes issue, I should firstly put on record that we were, up to this point, total bake-o-philes (I made that up). We had taken our bakery ‘issues’ to extremes. Trog Dad is a one-time Master Baker (no sniggering please) and his passion for flour and yeast had recently been rekindled when I had purchased him a day’s Artisan Baking course, as a birthday present. Bad timing.

We had also bought a job lot of rice from the Wholesalers, and a year’s supply of Noodles. Bugger. Still, we could wait until we’d munched our way through the lot, or we could just get started. Right now.

So we did the latter.

On point number 2, here’s what happened. At around day 4 of this experience, I was struggling to get out of bed in the morning. I felt light-headed and drained of energy. A bit ‘sweaty’ and frankly struggling to do anything that involved moving my limbs. I felt about 95. It passed, but has reared its head on several occasions (mainly for a day only) since then.

We’re now in week 10. I really need to work out how to isolate this feeling and pin it down to what I’m eating/not eating that’s causing it. I am guessing (from research online) that it’s Ketosis and that I’m low on carbs, but since I’m eating plenty of green veg, I’m now not so sure. Maybe it’s about the amount of fat I’m consuming/not…..

Any ideas?

Uphill struggles

becoming paleo

Me, in the black, with the fat ass, at the start of this journey

Hubby and I have found that ‘middle age spread’ is a real thing.

Life has become a battle against middle age-dom, and we are losing.

We have both joined a punishing CrossFit gym, and get regular beastings 3 times a week. This is proving to be good for muscle tone and strength, but the flab is stubborn and it has to go.

The Paleo Diet (‘diet’ as in way of living/eating’, not as in ‘pay me £10 per month and I will ritually humiliate you by weighing you in front of all these fat women) seems like the way forward.

I plan to document our journey as we navigate this new phenomenon, and you are welcome to follow.